URCS Web Server History

Official site: URCS Department History

The web server at the Department of Computer Science, University of Rochester went live in January of 1994. This makes it almost certainly the first web server in Rochester, NY.

Here is the anouncement of the URCS web server on the USENET newsgroup comp.infosystems.announce.www:

From: ferguson@cs.rochester.edu (George Ferguson)
Date: Fri, Jan 7 1994 1:31 pm
Groups:	comp.infosystems.www

I'm happy to announce the availablity of a WWW server (NCSA httpd-1.0)
at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Rochester
in Rochester, NY. The department home page URL is:
You'll find personal home pages, our department brochure, our online
TR collection, and access to our FTP area, among other things. For
those of you with browsers that support imagemaps (eg., Mosaic), try
our department Subway Map:

A note of thanks to Rob McCool for making httpd so easy to build,
install, and use.

Here is the anouncement of the URCS web server on the NCSA What's New! list for January 1994 (some links still work):

January 10,1994


A WWW server (NCSA httpd-1.0) is now running at the Department of Computer Science, University of Rochester, in Rochester, New York. Among the available information is: personal home pages for department members, our Department Brochure, our online Technical Report collection, our anonymous FTP area, and, for those of you with browsers that support imagemaps, our Department Subway Map

For some context, you can also see the complete NCSA What's New! page for that month.